Friday, March 26, 2021


Go With the Crowd or Go Alone?

Matthew 7:13-14 Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  (14) For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

Life is a series of choices.  Everyday we make hundreds of decisions based on 2 or more options.  Most decisions that we make in a day are inconsequential.  Do I want cereal or eggs for breakfast?  Do I take the scenic route to work or the faster route?  Do I stop and get gas before work or after?  Do I stay up and watch the movie or go to bed on time?  Everything is a choice.  Most are made with our brains on autopilot. Our brains process many of them so quickly and efficiently that we may never really consider them as choices.

In Life, there are a handful of times that we have decisions to make that change the direction and trajectory of our lives:  things like education, marriage, having children, and our career path.  In our passage today, Jesus is informing us about one such decision that most of the world has never even thought about.  It is the most important decision of our lives!  Jesus says that there are two roads, paths or Ways through this life.  Those two ways are leading in the exact opposite directions.  The consequences of this choice are ETERNAL in nature.  We MUST choose wisely!

Option 1:  The Broad Way

Matthew 7:13-14  Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy1 that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

The good news…with this choice, you’ll have LOTS of company!  Jesus tells us that MANY will be going this way.  Clearly, this is the direction of the Mass Majority!  You’ll fit right in with all of the thieves, murderers, rapists, child molesters and the rest of the evil people that are flooding this direction.

Why not?  It’s easy.  It’s fun.   It Requires nothing from you.  There are no rules to follow.  Anything goes!  In fact sometimes, you will be celebrated by the rest of society for being brave enough to make the choice of following your own whims and desires.  That really is the key to this choice… If you want to do it…Go for it!  If you want to try it…Give it a whirl.  If you can imagine it …give it a shot!  If you think that it will make you feel good…even for a short period of time, then why on earth would you want to deny yourself of a little pleasure?  In fact, due to the large number of people in this crowd, there won’t be any problem with trying to out do one another.  Be outrageous!  It will be encouraged.  This choice reminds me of some commercials that I have heard for buying a new car…. “You won’t be turned down for any reason” on this road.  There are no credit checks.  No discrimination.  This is the place to “Do You”!

What’s more?  If you are one of the people that really doesn’t like making tough decisions, this is the path for you!  This is the default path!  If you have never thought about religion,  Hate religion, Mad at God…then you will find lots of of like-minded people to keep you company. Maybe you have thought about religion, but you just want to wait for a “Better” time in your life to get serious about God.  Again, this is your path.  Non-decision, non-commitment, Non-dedicated people will do great going down this path.  Don’t worry about anything…at least until you reach the destination!

As a small bit of legalese… we do need to mention one teeny tiny drawback to this option in life.  Jesus says that it leads to your destruction.  That destruction will last for ETERNITY!  Here is the way Jesus describes it:

Matthew 25:30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

There is definitely a better way!

Option 2:  The Straight Way

Matthew 7:13-14  Enter by the narrow gate….(14) For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

To start with, this is the option that Jesus recommends.  In the first statement of verse 13, Jesus says Enter the Straight Gate!  This is the way through life that you want.  Back when I was growing up, it seems that every tooth paste ad would claim that 4 out of 5 dentists recommend this toothpaste.  Jesus, endorses this Way through life.  He is no dentist, but he is the Author and Finisher of our Faith.  Jesus is the REAL expert.  This is Jesus’ recommendation!

Even with the recommendation, Jesus prepares us for the negatives that we can expect.  First, it will be lonely.  While the rest of society believes they are having the time of their lives going the opposite direction, Jesus says few there will be to find this destination.  Why is it that so few people will go down this path and make it to the end?  Because the Gate is narrow and the way is hard.  The other Way in life boasts no rules, there are prescribed rules and lifestyles that we Must commit to.  It is not always going to be easy..But it will be worth it!

So what makes this choice better?  The destination!  The payoff!  The reward!  It comes down to this simple choice:  We must sacrifice present pleasure for Future Glory.  Or we live for today to gain as much Gusto as we can in this life, and suffer the consequences for all of eternity.  Pay me now or Pay me later!  

Furthermore, In reality, while the Broad road SEEMS to be the best life, Jesus is offering us the superior life on this planet.  Jesus’ way is more rewarding and by following his guidance, we will avoid a LOT of suffering that Sin brings.

Listen to the Expert.  Avoid the allusions and deceits that the broad path offers.  Enter the ONLY gate that leads to eternal life!  Eternal Reward verses eternal destruction. It is worth the small sacrifices that we must endure.  And on this path, Jesus will be with us all of the way!

Choose Jesus!

Reflecting the SON

Dennis Hogan

Questions, comments or  further explanation?  Contact me at:

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